Crew Justin Day was born on September 14, 2010 and 11:41pm. He weighed 7lbs 11oz and was 20 inches. Funny story. The night before we had Crew I told Justin I was done being pregnant and I was going to let the doctor know in the morning at my appt at 9:10 am that I was going over to the hospital to be admitted. I convinced Justin and myself that I could tell him my Blood Pressure had been too high (witch it hadn't) and that he should send me over :-). So this was my plan. Packed our bags that morning and headed to the hospital only 39 weeks. I get up on the beloved table to wait for the doctor to come in. Justin and I were joking around and he made me laugh, in total shock I look at Justin and say "OMG I just peed...or my water broke..hahaha I started freaking out...doctor comes in and yes my water broke, over the hospital we went. I WAS SOOO SCARED. The day was long I started at 3cm dilated and finally was a 10 at about 11pm. Started pushing at 11 thought I did amazing myself by 1130 he was coming soon! Head was out and I thought I was home FREE...No his shoulders got stuck then his elbow, this all felt like eternity and I was yelling just pull him out!!!! Crew came out and I could tell things were not right...a code blue was called people rushing in with the "crash cart" I HATE THE CRASH CART! Crew was not breathing on his own and needed to be resuscitated. Poor Justin was white as a ghost. The doctors and nurses kept trying to reassure me that he was going to be just fine. It was all so fast it feels like a blur. Justin of course went with Crew down to NICU. WOW I was not prepared for instant love and concern I had for my son. I was in tears so scared he was not going to be ok. Crew has changed my life sooo much. Justin and I feel so blessed. He has been such a good baby.
Sooo Scary but I am so glad he is here and that all is well.
ReplyDeleteKristi, I love all the pictures. YOU looked amazing at the hospital. Crew is so cute. I wish we could see him more often. He is a mini Justin