My mom dancing up there with me dad Our cute little nieces..... Center pieces Ewww I love this little boy...Ty Tyster The best day of my life. Our wedding day went perfect. I could not of asked for better. The reception was a blast. Thank you for all those who came to support us and your congrats. Thanks to my sister Sasha for taking the pictures. She did a fabulous job. We have been married for almost 6 weeks still newlyweds...:) We are loving it!
Ok So I for sure want to post some pictures from the wedding but I do not have all the discs yet :(. So I will post some pictures from the honeymoon. We went to Huntington Beach, CA. It was perfect. We had so much fun going to the beach, (I almost died a couple times) laying out at the pool not very fun for Justin, knots berry farm, and ate lots of food. Justin fell in love with PF Changs. Justin had never been there before we actually went twice in one week. :) Ever since we have gotten back from the honeymoon it has been quit busy. Well at least for Justin ;/. He is going to school full time and working way too many hours. So we are moving to American Fork on Saturday one so Justin can be closer to school and two so can be close to friends on my days off. haha. Justin is also going to only work 1 day a week now. YEA! I love being married to Justin. I honestly feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have gotten him. Glad he never gave up on me! Ewww I just love him :).
Knots berry farm was so much fun! There were no lines and we got our portraits drawn :)haha mmmmmmmmmmmmm....coconut shrimp! Justin was sooo bored at the pool. But he still laid out with me for like an hour. Cheesecake factory....I hated my meal. I never like it there?? Of course that excludes the cheesecake :) Skim boarding, Justin was a pro, me I did a few fast plants and had a few bruises the next day. Of course we had to eat at Olive Garden we do go there weekly..ooops